Prices on real estate in Perm are lower than in Nizhniy Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.
According to information consulting group REZON, average price for a square meter of apartment space in Perm at the start of October equals RUB 59.9 thousand (approx. USD 2.3 thousand). This rate is considerably lower than in other large Russian cities.
The value of housing in other Russian cities:
Yekaterinburg - RUB 64.4 thousand (approx. USD 2.53 thousand)
Novosibirsk - RUB 62.5 thousand (approx. USD 2.45 thousand)
Nizhniy Novgorod - RUB 61.8 thousand (approx. USD 2.42 thousand)
Nizhniy Novgorod shows the biggest annual growth rate - by 4.8 percent. In Perm, the growth rate equals 0.7 percent.
Lower residential prices in Perm do not mean lower quality of life. Total budget revenue per capita in Perm as of the end of 2007 - beginning of 2008 is one of the highest in Russia.